Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hey kid, Mama needs a time out

I"m sure this goes against all the parenting handbooks out there but today I sent my oldest son to time out for a trivial offense so I could get him out of the room to have sex with my husband.  Gotta look out for number 1!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mrs. Bowens made me do it

I'm 33, I'm a stay at home mom to Hank and Clint, who Pablo refers to as "the cowboys."  I like that reference- especially considering that the cowboys are growing up in an affluent suburb of New York City and will most likely end up with thick Jersey accents despite their mother's Southern roots and slight lisp.  I'm trying out the blog thing at my friend Emily's suggestion.  She is my most financially successful friend, so hopefully writing about the cowboys and my new life in the suburbs on the Internet will somehow bring me some financial success. Of course, I don't really know if or how that's possible, I don't even read any blogs currently.  I guess that could be a good first step....